Friday 17 January 2014

Brokenhearted lady

Once,there was a lady trying her hardest to be best in her friends' hearts.but,they ignore her as she always make mistakes.well,she is a clumsy lady.they ignore her unless the time for her to pay the rental money together or when the lady have lots of money.she is really easy to get fooled by her friends.she always help them.but they always mad at her and ignore what she said.they said she is an annoying lady.

The lady notices that her friends change their attitudes towards her.she often keep silence because she doesn't want her friends to keep ignore her.but things remain the same.they purposely forget of their friend fell sick.they went out without tell her or the sick friend.they treat her like a burden if they stay with the lady gone mad.she go out to a mall without telling them where she wanna go.she leaves the mall as they arrive at the mall where she went.since then,the lady never want to trust anyone easily anymore.

menyoal hati

adekah kau merindu?
merindukan dia?
kenapa dia?
bagaimana kedua org tuamu pula?
adekah ruang utk mereka?
jikalau ade,berape besar ruang utk mereka?
lebih kecil dr utk si dia?
mengapa bukan mereka yg kau rindui tp dia?
bukankah Allah menjadikan kedua ibu bapamu yg melahirkan dirimu?
sifat tamak kau bisa memusnahkan segala yg kau bina.
satu persatu kalau kau mahu kecapi impianmu itu
pasti semua akn tercapai jika kau bersabar dan tabah.
namun usaha itu sangat diperlukan.


a little feeling from my heart

i get it.
that you're mad at me.
but i have apologize.
what is it that you want me to do?
all of you!
say it out loud!
i can't read your mind!
i can't understand you!
can't you see?
you're the one who said that friends is an important relationship to you.
but you're the one who break this relationship.
so why would i care about you anyway?
i trusted all of you more than my own sister!
but you always betray me.
and i get the blame.


ok..kali ni baru pasal akmal.ok.first,akmal nk balek lebih kurang dlm 5 bulan lebih sem lepas,i thought i have move on from getting involve with him sebelom check result,i stalk him for the what time,third or fourth time in that sem.punyela aq bangga dah tak up to date pasal dy sangat.skali!!nk blek thn kau!!haa..ko hado??!!!gugup aq.masalah cms hang buat otak aq pon hang.dpt result,meraung smpai kak ct blek dr indon,sepanjang tnggu kak ct blek aq stalk dy mcm nokharey!aq rase mcm hilang confidence,hilang iman aq skali.lepas tu Allah punye kuasa,aq solat blek.muhasabah diri.Alhamdulillah.jatuh tergeliat sikit je.azam aq 2014 aq ikhlaskan diri aq blek,sentiase bersangka baik,good vibes blek,aq suntikkan sikit2 dlm diri aq semula,mule ingat blek sbb aq kat sini.nape aq terima tesl.nape terbukak hati amek tesl.ingat blek sbb aq bwak diri kat kl ni.org2 yg aq yang aq nk tebus blek silap mase spm dulu,aq dah start nk utk ubah attitude aq..persepsi aq..utk diri aq..